The typical chefs' hat design was iconised in a elegant ornament that also marks the pronunciation of the "R" in Carlo; a distinctive element that immediately evoke his roots and Italian know how.

We wanted to start providing Carlo with a distinctive sign: a logotype that could summarise the "status" of Chef with sophisticated elegance.

The color palette was defined based on his ambient, a professional kitchen: the cold blue of the metal surfaces and tools meets the warm color of the wooden spoons and chopboards.

Platforms consistency
From a quick research together with Carlo, we discovered how much his image was fragmented and how his 5 years old blog was dramatically not appealing to read nor easy to navigate. This needed to be revised in a consistent way accross different platforms to ensure a strong personal brand image.

The new page. To start with, we created a single set of personal photos and coherent cards with a distinctive imagery and tone so to visually organise the recipes and dish reviews. We wanted to wipe out the caos and offer to the viewer a more appealing impact and recognisable content.

The look and feel
On the visual direction, we advised Carlo to find an easy and distinctive photo style. Table top images, highly saturated and contrasted, were also divided in categories/subjects with a precise composition pattern.

Photo shooting
Last but not least, Carlo appeared differently in each platform where his image was used. The TV channels used the 10 years younger image, the restaurant website the one with different glasses, meanwhile the blog just showed a low quality selfie.
What was need for the new blog and social media was an image that could reflect his expertise and communicate the sympathy for which everybody knows him.

Carbonara by Carlo
Carlo also collaborates with LaFamily, an online platform that delivers the most authentic Italian food for people in Belgium. While filming one of the video recipes for, Carlo told a story about the Pastafarians, a funny and absurd plot about extra-terrestrials made by pasta. How do they distinguish themselves? They wear a colander as hat! With this images, we just wanted to capture this very lighthearted moment...